Best of 2017 (astro) news

At -2 (or 1, depending on which part of the globe you’re based) to 2018, it’s the moment for a quick recap of 2017 space news -for one, because this year spoiled us. We had all sort of events and…
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Science, History, and Fiction in Everyday Life
At -2 (or 1, depending on which part of the globe you’re based) to 2018, it’s the moment for a quick recap of 2017 space news -for one, because this year spoiled us. We had all sort of events and…
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Yes, that’s it. Today Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne (you do remember him, right? Interstellar, anyone?) and Barry Barish won the Nobel Prize 2017 – Physics. The ripples were first predicted by Albert Einstein – they are a fundamental consequence of…
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It’s again the moment for a summary of the space news worth discussing this week (and in the past few). This time there are a few interesting subjects picked up here and there. As usual, links and a couple of comments…
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There are always a lot of things happening in outer space – probes, launches and explorations to keep us busy – but this week seems something special. Something pretty too, I would add. And something that will likely change physics as…
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