Space Features of the Week (26 May)

It has been a while since I’ve done this, so I think a quick roundup of some interesting space and science features recently in the news can be of use. NASA’s InSight lander is on its way to Mars. The…
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Science, History, and Fiction in Everyday Life
It has been a while since I’ve done this, so I think a quick roundup of some interesting space and science features recently in the news can be of use. NASA’s InSight lander is on its way to Mars. The…
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I generally do not talk about the EU politics on this blog (I have enough of it in my full-time job) but this story keeps popping up on my mental screen, and not just because I’m writing a journal article…
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Difficult to ignore what’s happening now in the UK, and the post-Brexit mayhem. While I don’t do politics on this blog for a precise choice (i.e., I write enough about it in other venues), there are some issues that affect…
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That xkcd is an amazing website, you already know (and if you don’t, go and have a look at it now! You won’t regret it). But you often find out that some of its graphics are conceptually powerful – like this…
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I have to admit the reason why I have requested the The Shadow Master, by Craig Cormick, in ARC is that I read so many things about it (namely: on Goodreads) that I got curious. A few of them are negative…
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