Space Art from NASA

One thing I have not paid (so far) the right amount of attention is all artwork produced by NASA, and with that I mean not only the beautiful posters done in occasion of space missions – which are truly beautiful…
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Science, History, and Fiction in Everyday Life
One thing I have not paid (so far) the right amount of attention is all artwork produced by NASA, and with that I mean not only the beautiful posters done in occasion of space missions – which are truly beautiful…
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Not happy with having discovered many of the secrets of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko thanks to the Rosetta mission and its Philae probe, ESA-Rosetta team scientists have also engaged in a naming exercise, and identified 19 regions on the surface of the comet…
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This November week brings us an exciting space event to follow, unique in kind. ESA’s spacecraft Rosetta, that has successfully reached Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko last August, will try, for the first time ever, to land its Philae probe on the comet surface….
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If there is a space object I have always found incredibly beautiful is the star cluster of the Pleiades – alternatively called M45, or “The Seven Sisters”- immediately recognisable for the hot blue, luminous stars immersed in a nebula and visible…
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After having published a list of Wonders of the Solar System, it seems just right setting up an entry in the Media Gallery with some of them – namely, moons. NASA is obviously the richest repository, and most of the…
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After 10 years of travel, ESA spacecraft Rosetta yesterday reached her target, becoming the first probe to ever orbit a comet. Look at the incredible achievement in these snapshots and videos. The official name of the celestial body is Comet Churyumov–Gerasimenko,…
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