You will remember I have done a quick survey a few weeks ago about some regular content to add to this blog. First of all, thank you to everybody who replied, either by comments, by Twitter, or by email. Much appreciated. Point is, I had replies evenly split among the three options on the table, i.e., history, markets for your writing, and anime. So, I guess I’ll have to cover all three of them at least once a month. Good news, I have submitted to my publishers two of the three non-fiction books (work-related, mainly geeky stuff) I was under contract to deliver, and I should have more time from now on to do fun stuff. Starting with this blog.
To celebrate the submissions, I am going to binge-watch my favourite stuff (anime) for the next two weekends, and I have prepared a roundup of what’s now on offer on Netflix. By the way: I use Netflix USA, but if you have a good VPN you can access it, too, no matter where you are in the world. The reason I do it: Netflix USA is the richest repository when it comes to anime.
This is my top-five list for March:

1 Castlevania. I have written a lot about it, and if you haven’t watched it yet, go now and do it. S1 was good, S2 is better, and S3, while not available on Netflix at the moment, promises to keep the hype.
2. Devilman Crybaby. Again, I have written about it, and, while I have not finished with S1, I can tell you it’s good stuff. The only thing I am a bit unhappy is the characterisation of Ryo Asuka…the manga is still much better and even the OVA makes a better job. Somehow, the anime doesn’t convey the character’s sheer evil (we’re talking about Satan, after all; what’s not to be evil?), let alone his love for Akira/Devilman, which remains the most interesting feature of the story (Satan in love? how Miltonian!)
3. Death Note. Darn good anime, the manga is simply amazing. But the anime is still
4. Beserk. Another famous anime I have talked about in the past, now available on Netflix. Quite violent, nothing you want to watch around young people. Not that the others are plain vanilla, but for some reasons I have found Beserk particularly vicious. Probably because it feels more “real” than the others.

5. Code Geass. This anime is quite interesting because it features alternate history mixed with fantasy in one quite original blend. In this case, I have not read the manga (but I plan to go to shopping in Akihabara next time in Tokyo), but the anime is really interesting. I’d suggest this especially if you’re not a genre fan.
That’s all for the moment… happy watching, and please do let me know if you decide to give them a try!