EHM is changing. What’s coming next in 2019

Hello everybody. Today’s post is about an announcement and a query.

The announcement is that, as I’ve briefly mentioned in December’s blogversary post, The Earthian Hivemind is going to change in 2019. The most important novelty is that I am creating here a page of speculative (SFF&H) flash fiction and short poetry. It is something I meant to do for long time and, as there’s no better moment than when you have something to celebrate, I am going to do it this year. If everything goes as planned, this page will evolve in something autonomous and disconnected from the blog, but first things first, and the easiest way is starting here.

I expect to publish submission guidelines for authors and poets at some moment in March-April.

The query is instead the following: I was thinking of adding a regular column about a topic of interest, but I struggle to decide about what. So, here’s the question: would readers prefer regular features about (a) markets to submit your work (b) medieval and modern history (c) new anime/manga. Please do let me know by comments, emails, twitter and whatever works for you. Thanks!


  1. jamesdorrwriter

    Hi Steph, my preferences would be in the order given, 1 markets, 2 history, 3 anime Thanks.

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Many thanks! Noted 🙂

  2. Calmgrove

    For me, (b) (a) and (c): history—markets—anime. Hope that helps!

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Yes, it does! Thanks so much.

  3. sjhigbee

    My preferences – history, markets, anime:)

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Thanks Sara, well noted! 🙂

  4. Captain's Quarters

    My preferences – history, anime, markets (I am not a writer). But hey it be yer blog so do what makes ye happy. Arrr!
    x The Captain

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Thanks, Captain 🙂

  5. daxspires

    b (but maybe sometimes related in some way to SFF?), a, c.

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Thanks for letting me know. Well noted! 🙂


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