I regularly review features about exoplanets, together with giving periodical updates on their number and recent discoveries. Here for the latest stats:
The catalogue maintained at Exoplanet.eu gives (April 4, 2018) 3757 planets / 2807 planetary systems / 627 multiple planet systems (download the table here) while NASA reports different figures (less confirmed planets but a huge number of candidate -a whopping 4,496).
Moreover, a bit of news from NASA (26 March 2018 press release): “We’ve added two new planets this week that were discovered using the microlensing technique. The first planet, UKIRT-2017-BLG-001L b is the first microlensing planet to be detected solely in the infrared. The second planet, OGLE-2017-BLG-0173L b, is a super-Earth that is similar to the K2-18 system, where the b planets have similar Earth masses and orbit very closely to their parent stars, making comparisons of these two systems potentially very interesting.”
You can access the data for both planets on their respective Confirmed Planet Overview pages as indicated above. Happy browsing!