Good venues for microfiction

If you -like me – love flash fiction in all its declinations, you would also especially enjoy microfiction, which is, in many aspects, comparable to poetry. [I define as microfiction all prose between 0 and 300 words; arbitrary, sure, but from 501 is generally considered flash fiction tout-court. For more about it, read this good article on the topic.]

If you’re a writer, you’ll find out that’s extremely challenging tell a story when you have so little space, and where every word matters. And, as a reader, you can enjoy some exquisite bites of fiction during your busy day, when even switching on your tablet would take too much time.

In both cases, here a good list for a head start:

Seven by Twenty  [twitterfiction: 140 characters]

Escarp [twitterfiction: 140 characters]

Story Seed Vault  [twitterfiction: 140 characters]

Nanoism [up to 25 words]

50-word stories

Scottish Book Trust: The 50-word competition

Speculative 66 [66-word story]

Microfiction Monday Magazine [50 to 100 words]

The Drabble [A drabble is a story in 100 words]

100 Word Story

A Story in 100 words

101 Fiction [A story in 101 words]

101 Words

200 CCs [A story of 200 words, 10% more or less ]

Dogzplot  [A story up to 200 words]

Concis [A story up to 250 words]

Finally, a name of the past. The historical NANO Fiction, which was open over ten years and closed down in December 2016. The archives are still online though, with all the stories and accessible here.

* To be sure, there are also many other venues that accept (and encourage) microfiction – MonkeyBicycle, just to mention a famous one with its one-sentence fiction – but there are otherwise classified since (1) they allow submissions up to 1000 words or (2) they are open to other formats, too. I’ll talk about them in a later post. For the moment, enjoy these delicious tiny bits of words.


  1. Tammy

    This is awesome information, thanks for compiling it!

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      You’re very welcome – hope you’ll enjoy 🙂

  2. sjhigbee

    Thank you for this really helpful article, Steph:))

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Happy you liked it 🙂

    2. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Thanks – I found some really good (micro)stories there. 🙂


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