The blogs I read the most (my favourite? Or whatever you fancy calling them)

One friend asked me this very question a couple of days ago, and I have to say I didn’t know how to answer. Sure I had blogs I read every week, had I not? Good observation. But, as a matter of fact, the ones that came to my mind were not necessarily my favourite, only the ones I followed every week for a series of reasons (being informed, sharing opinions with fellow bloggers / writers / scientists, relaxing, and so on) other than a real statement of preference.
Purely philosophical or not, her question gave me nonetheless the opportunity to think about the blogs I peruse the most, and I thought I can share them with you – if anything, I might give you some ideas 🙂

For easy browsing, I have divided them by category – but NOT in any particular order (alphabetic or other):

Book Reviews


Space and Sorcery



Books, Bones & Buffy

Colline’s Blog

Books and travelling with Lynn

The BiblioSanctum

the Little Red Reviewer

Planetary Defense Command

Captain’s Quarters

Rynn Reads

Reading Is My SuperPower

Elizabeth Drakes’s Site

Books by Proxy

Interesting Literature

I Wuv Books


Sciences & (especially but not exclusively) Astrophysics

Centauri Dreams

Il tredicesimo cavaliere [In Italian]

Emily Lakdawalla

Bill Nye

Contrary Brin (The blog of the amazing SF writer/scientist David Brin)

TED talks

NASA Space Agency Blog

Hubble Space Telescope


(The art of) Writing, Literary Magazines & Writers (hint: SFF & H, my kind)

Brenda Drake Contests 

Damien Walter

MorgEn Bailey – Creative Writing Guru

La audacia de aquiles [bilingual, English and Spanish]

Mary Robinette Kowal

Anatomy of Perceval

Damyanti Writes

600 Second Saga

Trish Hopkinson


The Drabble

M J Mallon Author

Sean Monaghan

North of Andover

Whatever (Blog of John Scalzi)

The Review Review

[Note: I have ONLY included here blogs, not websites, otherwise it would’ve been virtually impossible to keep it to a manageable list. These generally appear, with few exceptions, on my WP list. Also, I have kept only the ones that have shown significant activity in 2017, not in previous years – otherwise, this list would have probably doubled in lenght].

If you already know them and you have something in kind that would make a good addition to my personal list, please do send it my way, and thanks!


  1. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Yay, I’m honored The BiblioSanctum is included on your list (and looks like I’m in some great company)! Thanks for the shoutout!

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      We share some favourite authors, I have seen. 🙂

  2. Aquileana

    Thanks for including my blog-…. Coming from you, it means a lot… I love your stuff as well, what can I say?: I am very happy 😀 Wishing you a great rest of your week! 🙂

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Your pieces on Greek mythology are simply great 🙂

  3. sjhigbee

    Thank you very much for including me on this great list, Steph:).

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Impossible not to mention it, Sarah – you do such a great job with your reviews!

      1. sjhigbee

        Thank you, Steph – coming from you that means a great deal:).

        1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

          Likewise. Thanks so much, Sarah 🙂

  4. ccyager

    I love that my blog made your list, Steph. It makes me a little embarrassed though that I haven’t been writing as consistently every Saturday as I have in the past. I hope that after life settles down — or I finally get used to my new schedule with the new job — I know I’ll return to my regular schedule. I really enjoy you blog, too! Cinda

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Yes, please do it – I enjoy it a lot!

  5. Captain's Quarters

    Honored to be part of such a great list matey! Thanks fer the shout out. Many of these bloggers I already follow but I will have to check out the rest. Very glad yer part of me crew.
    x The Captain

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Cheers 🙂


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