SF Classics – Last and First Men by Olaf Stapledon

Last and First Men (1930) is a SF novel about the future history of mankind over the next billion year or so written by the British philosopher Olaf Stapledon. Complex, visionary and provocative, The Last and First Men is considered one of the most influential SF books of the 20th century. If you appreciate Hegelian philosophy and fancy reading an early portrait of genetic engineering in the future, this is something you can’t possibly miss.

Olaf Stapledon


  1. Sue, the YA Author

    How have I never heard of this? I went through a massive sf phase in high school. Looks like I missed a good one!

    1. Stephen P. Bianchini

      Very philosophical and influential one…I recommend it!!

      1. Sue, the YA Author

        Sounds intriguing!


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