The (otherwise amazing) Night Dawn’s Trilogy conclusion…

(Warning: Spoilers Ahead!)

I do wonder why Joshua Calvert ends up with the least attractive of all the girls he puts his hands on during 1.2 million words or so of the Night Dawn’s Trilogy. My oh my…The best captain of all Confederation’s pilots and a pure space daredevil quitting starfaring for settling down on a remote (boring) planet, marrying a (dumb) youngster and raising brats? Come on, Peter, that’s sci-fi beyond Clarke’s Third Law! And yes, this seems even more unlikely (!!) than the whole Sleeping / Naked / Whatever God ending, about which I shall say no further, but that has really left me disappointed… All considered, my suspension of disbelief had damn hard time yesterday evening. I expect flying saucers glimmering outside my window anytime soon.


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