Space News -update

It has been a while since the last time I’ve given any news about what’s going on in the sector. This is mainly due to the fact that the whole summer has been devoted to fiction -getting Frozen Wavelets ready…
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Science, History, and Fiction in Everyday Life
It has been a while since the last time I’ve given any news about what’s going on in the sector. This is mainly due to the fact that the whole summer has been devoted to fiction -getting Frozen Wavelets ready…
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Again, that’s the moment of my summary of space news worth discussing this week (and in the past few, since I haven’t done it in a while). This time there are not amazing discoveries but some quite interesting subjects. As…
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We are less than one month from the Grand Finale, the moment Cassini is going to plunge deep into Saturn. As you can read on the NASA web page, “between April and September 2017, Cassini will undertake a daring set…
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A lot of interesting things in the news this week. Even though some are not per se “new”, I found them quite captivating both in terms of implications and for the questions they raised. Answers will follow – in due…
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Next week, July, 4th, the spacecraft Juno will finally enter Jupiter’s orbits after five years in space. Juno’s objectives for this mission are to better understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter, analysing its solid planetary core, mapping its mighty…
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… If you have thought we were done with Pluto (who dares still calling it a dwarf, planet or anything?), well, get ready. NASA has just revealed another stunning detail sent over by New Horizons in its historical flyby of July,…
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Titan (1997) is a SF/ techno-thriller by Stephen Baxter. It examines Saturn’s moon Titan as the object of a manned mission aiming at discovering alien life, but also the more general issue of human exploration of the Solar System. More political than…
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2015 is an amazing year for space missions (not that 2014 has been a bad one) – plenty of them under way and expectations are high for the results they are going to deliver. New Horizons: if 2014 has been the…
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If you have always wondered, like me, how would it be in practice living on another world, you can’t possibly miss the series recently prepared by Karl Tate for Space.Com, which is simply amazing. So far, Karl has published infographics for…
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Latest articles published on Serious Wonder, all of them devoted to space missions, present or future. UNDER THE KRAKEN SEA – A NASA SUBMARINE ON TITAN – February, 13 2015 DAWN MISSION UPDATE: CLOSING IN ON CERES – January, 24…
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