Three for the Month (September 2019)

In these difficult (in the sense of super-busy) days at work, it is never an easy task to find time to read a new book (not related to the daily job, that is). So I’ve decided to pick, at the…
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Science, History, and Fiction in Everyday Life
In these difficult (in the sense of super-busy) days at work, it is never an easy task to find time to read a new book (not related to the daily job, that is). So I’ve decided to pick, at the…
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The end of July is rapidly approaching, and it’s now the time to vote for the Hugo Awards, whether you’re attending Worldcon (this year in Dublin) or not. As a matter of fact, you can just buy a supporting membership,…
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The WWW Wednesday meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. It’s a great way to do a weekly update on what you’ve been reading and what you have planned. To take part all you have…
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Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted at The Purple Booker. Anyone can play along by doing the following: • Grab your current read • Open to a random page • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that…
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Blindsight (2006), by Peter Watts, is a hard SF novel of first contact with a unique twist. It asks difficult questions about the nature of consciousness and what it means to be humans. Nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Novel,…
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Nova (1968) is an SF novel by Samuel R. Delany. It reads like space opera, with a hero on a quest and two interstellar factions one against the other, but it’s far more than that. Highly innovative without being experimental,…
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His Majesty’s Dragon (2006) by Naomi Novik is an SFF novel, and one of the best examples of alternate history. It’s set during the Napoleonic Wars, on an Earth where dragons are real and are used for aerial warfare in…
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Worldcon 74 is nicely folding up, and it’s time for a recap. First of all, the location for 2018 – decided in MidAmCon II: San Jose, California won the bid for hosting Worldcon 76 in 2018 – and, considering is…
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Like last year, 2016 Hugo Award nomination has been affected by SP/RP slating issues, resulting in the nomination of works and authors (Chuck Tingle is just one, but certainly the most surprising) that would have otherwise not found a space…
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The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (2010) is a fantasy novel by N. K. Jemisin, and the first book of The Inheritance Trilogy. Complex, at times dark and always fascinating, it describes fantastic cities and different races of humans and gods. Recommended…
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