нет войн – No War

This is a pledge to all the people reading this blog: please help the Ukrainians.In whatever way you can. If you can fight, go fighting. If you can send money, do send money. If I hear of any practical way…
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Science, History, and Fiction in Everyday Life
This is a pledge to all the people reading this blog: please help the Ukrainians.In whatever way you can. If you can fight, go fighting. If you can send money, do send money. If I hear of any practical way…
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Like many other Europeans, I am horrified to see my continent in the middle of war again. Any war is awful, of course. But Europe has been literally built over millions of deaths, including two World Wars that have risked…
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It looks strange to celebrate a blogversary after a year like 2021. So many things happened in the last twelve months, and if I had thought 2020 was the worst on the record, I was badly mistaken. 2021 was challenging…
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It seems ages since the last time I have posted here, but it has (only) been about a month. Many things happened in this time, one being finalising the decisions for the last round of submissions to Frozen Wavelets and…
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It is not the first time I post about podcasts–I have started a while ago with a series of guest posts and interviews. I simply love fiction podcasts –as a listener, as a writer, as a slusher, too. So this…
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This week I am attending Milford Conference, the yearly gathering with other writers from the SFF community that takes place at Trigonos, Snowdonia (North Wales). As usual, things are both intense and pleasant, with the morning devoted to writing or…
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This is a limited selection of a series of random photos I have taken over four days of Worldcon. The organisation was great [REDACTED DUE TO EVENTS AFTER THE HUGO CEREMONY. SEE BELOW], the level of speakers and programmes impressive,…
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The end of July is rapidly approaching, and it’s now the time to vote for the Hugo Awards, whether you’re attending Worldcon (this year in Dublin) or not. As a matter of fact, you can just buy a supporting membership,…
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As every year in Scotland, Edinburgh Book Festival is one of the main writing events to look forward to. Part of the Fringe Festival, it is one of the largest public celebrations of the written word in the world, bringing to…
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If you’re in Edinburgh this weekend AND you’re a speculative fiction fan, there’s nothing better you can do than visit Cymera, the first SFF Convention of its kind in the City. For the convention programme and last-minute news, see the…
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