Blogversary #8

It looks strange to celebrate a blogversary after a year like 2021. So many things happened in the last twelve months, and if I had thought 2020 was the worst on the record, I was badly mistaken. 2021 was challenging…
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Science, History, and Fiction in Everyday Life
It looks strange to celebrate a blogversary after a year like 2021. So many things happened in the last twelve months, and if I had thought 2020 was the worst on the record, I was badly mistaken. 2021 was challenging…
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It seems ages since the last time I have posted here, but it has (only) been about a month. Many things happened in this time, one being finalising the decisions for the last round of submissions to Frozen Wavelets and…
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Submissions are now closed and we’re making progress on the ones still outstanding. We’ve received a record number this time (I have still to make a full statistical analysis but we had more than 500 pieces), which, considering we only…
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Just a quick post to remind you the submission window for 2021 in going to close in 48 hours. We have received so far more than 350 pieces in between flash fiction and poetry. As mentioned before, due to staff…
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Please remember to follow the guidelines and submit exclusively to the Moksha portal. All the rest will be deleted unread. As announced, we are also seeking applications for a volunteer position as an Editor, to replace the one who left…
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After many Covid-related delays and all that these strange times can throw at us, here we are again. Our next submission period opens on Monday 6 September. The window will remain open for about three weeks, until September 25. Please make…
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After another month off in my series, and back I am with my reading suggestions in what is a semi-hiatus summer. I took on a very high-intensity project at work that has taken most of my time in the last…
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Hades was like the other men Evie had requested favors of; he asked Evie to explain herself before he believed that she wanted what she said she wanted. “What is there to explain?” She rubbed her bare arms. She hadn’t…
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Yes, it finally happened. After many years of struggles (it all began in 2004) and failed attempts (notable the one in 2014) Virgin Galactic became on July 11 the first company to reach space in a commercial flight. Many will…
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The manga world is still crying for Kentaro Miura’s death, but there are some rumours about the future of one of the most-loved series ever. And a tweet from Hideki Sugimoto, Miura’s assistant, seems to suggest various possibilities. But a…
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