I have fallen behind with Space News recently, and the reason for it is that now I work more or less full time on a space project… no more time for idle stargazing (and purposelessly reading about space). Here you have, however, some recent snippets worth reading:
Is Pluto a planet (again)? Apparently, the debate is far from over. This time the claim comes from no-one less than NASA’s honcho. Read the story here.

Rare Mercury Transit in mid-November. On Monday 11 all Earthian available eyes -natural and artificial -were set to observe Mercury projecting its shade on the Solar disk. If you missed it, you can rewatch it here. Otherwise, you might be waiting for about 10+ years for the next occurrence.
Everything we know about the universe might just be about to change. Weird things have been emerging with a certain frequency in the last five years that are leading the astrophysicists now to question the currently accepted cosmology theories.

“Multiple efforts to find a value for the Hubble constant have turned up a potential crisis in cosmology: the universe seems to be flying apart faster than expected. If confirmed, this baffling change would force astrophysicists to rethink the fundamentals of our universe, which currently don’t provide for such a change even after accounting for dark energy, a mysterious force driving an acceleration in the universe’s expansion.” (Read the whole article on National Geographic at this link).
Cheering for Pluto here… We want it back as a planet! 😀 😀
Yes! 😀