Frozen Wavelets is temporarily closed for submission (we’ll reopen at some moment in Fall 2019), but it doesn’t mean there aren’t other good outlets you can’t submit your microfiction in the meantime. I’ve put together a quick list – all of them open right now or soon to be. I have submitted /published in a few of their projects, and one paid, too, even though the standard for drabbles is unpaid (yes). Have a look:
Guilty Pleasures – Anthology from a well-known horror publisher (Things in the Well) – [100 or 200 words] – Open until full. Guidelines here.
Elemental Drabble Anthology Series. Theme: Water – Fantasy Divinity Press. This is an ongoing series with the four elements. – [100 words] – Open until 28 August 2019. Guidelines here.
Dark Moments: October Challenge -Black Hare Press. They have already published many drabble anthologies, and if you get published in Dark Moment online series, you also get paid (0.04$ /word) – [100 words] – Open until 31 August 2019. Guidelines here.
Japanese Fantasy Drabble Anthology – Insignia Stories. This publisher specialises in Asian fiction and poetry – [100 words] – Open on October 1 2019. Guidelines here.
Happy submitting, and good luck!
Thank you so much for this really helpful list, Steph.
You might try the short-short form, Sarah- it is a lot of fun 🙂
I may give it a whirl… I’ve got quite a lot on at present, but every so often it’s a real help to try something completely different:))
I look forward to that!