This is a limited selection of a series of random photos I have taken over four days of Worldcon. The organisation was great [REDACTED DUE TO EVENTS AFTER THE HUGO CEREMONY. SEE BELOW], the level of speakers and programmes impressive, and -for once- I was able to say hello to fellow writers (hey, I even presented a poster). The kids had a fantastic session with NASA astronaut Jeanette Epps showing them how to build a rocket out (and building it with them). Grown-ups could enjoy beers and coffees with their favourite authors and partying at night at bid-support events (China and France 2023, Glasgow 2024, Chicago 2022, only to mention the one I attended). The snapshots are here, in no particular order, to give you a feeling of what is going on in Dublin right now.

*** POST HUGO CEREMONY UPDATE. Disclaimer: I wasn’t there myself. I was already on my way to Dublin Airport to fly back home. But I followed the story on Twitter and, as it goes, many of the Hugo nominees were unable to attend the famed Hugo Losers Party due to a cock-up in the organisation (venue too small, too many invitations sent etc). While the DublinCon organisers were not *directly* in charge of the party (GRRM is), they had a moral if not factual responsibility to ensure a smooth event. Many remained outside in the cold unable to attend the party and they were even told it was their fault to be late. If you want to read more about it, I suggest people look up this thread for the whole story.
So apparently if you’re a Hugo loser you don’t get to go to the loser’s party. Wheee hey @dublin2019 you dumped an entire bus of us here and we are not allowed inside #HugoAward https://t.co/eV4WG0SXOF
— Alex Acks @ Worldcon (@katsudonburi) August 18, 2019
I am deeply sorry for something that tarnished an otherwise great convention and hope future WorldCons do a better job in this sense. Over and out.
Nice, thank you! Wish I could have been there.
Apart from the post-Hugo Ceremony organisation mayhem, it has been a great convention indeed. Also nice to meet in person so many people I knew only “virtually”. Maybe next time, we will meet as well 🙂
I love seeing people dress up in the costumes! Such fun!
There were amazing cosplays… so many Captain Marvels!!
Gosh, I recognized several people in your photos! Wish I could have been there, but being home for our youngest son’s A-level results day overrode a WorldCon. Parenting has downsides sometimes. 🙂
I guess you did. I haven’t posted any close-up (people have the right to their privacy, even when they are famous authors/editors) but yes, there were many. It was great to talk to Pat Cadigan -just to mention one. She is an amazing person, in addition to be a marvellous writer. That’s the magic of conventions. Parenting… oh gosh. My 4yo was there too, and it has been fun but not the easiest of times 😀
We are at the other end of parenting, our youngest is 18, and the results were all about university entry. All went well and we will have a rocket engineer in the family!
Fantastic! And congratulations.
Looks like a lot of fun!
Yes! Consider attending if the Worldcon train eventually stops next door. It is really worth it. 🙂
thank you for posting the photos!
My pleasure. People-wise, it was the best convention ever for me 🙂