As every year in Scotland, Edinburgh Book Festival is one of the main writing events to look forward to. Part of the Fringe Festival, it is one of the largest public celebrations of the written word in the world, bringing to Scotland writers from all over the world.

This year the Festival is running between 10 August 2019 to 26 August 2019 and features hundreds of events (see the official programme here).
The other event that you want to mark on your agenda this summer is, of course, the 77th Edition of the most important convention in SFF, WorldCon, that takes place in Dublin, 15-19 August.

I am particularly excited this year, because I am going to have a poster up in the academic session. The topic is my article on the historical roots of witchcraft, which is also included in the book by Luna Press Publishing A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction. And yes, the book launch will be at Worldcon, too. Can’t wait!
Congrats on the Worldcon thing. My friend Ian Watson (supplier of ginger biscuits from all over the world for poor old me) will be there, though I don’t think he’s running it. As well as a group of Spanish fans. I’ll tell them to look out for your poster – and book. Especially as a Spanish lady friend (who won’t be able to go), Mayte Navales, has recently won a prestigious prize for an excellent novel on witches (LA ÚLTIMA BRUJA), which a friend of Big Ian (Whates) is translating: I translated some sections to make his mouth water, but my brain is no longer up to a whole book. So at least one book sold! Will you be giving a talk? Gosh, I set one of my very few romantic stories in the Edinburgh Festival!
Thanks, Steve! As they say in Spain, el mundo es un pañuelo. Just guess who is Ian’s friend that’s translating LA ÚLTIMA BRUJA right now…?? Ahah. No talks, but during the poster section I’ll reply to questions re: witchcraft. This is going to be historical though, not fiction. Happy to continue this chat with you in private. You have my email already 😉
Wish I could attend WorldCon just for your book launch! I’ve not visited Dublin, either, although I’ve been to Belfast and all around the North. Good luck with the launch!
Many thanks for that! And oh, there will be Eurocon (TitanCon) in Belfast this year… in case you can make it to Europe 😉 https://www.titancon.com/2019/index.php