As we approach the day of the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing (20 July, and NASA has plans about it), it would be nice to get into the right (space) mood. The good news is there are great opportunities in this sense to whet your appetite. Here you have a few suggestions:

June 24/25 (i.e., today or tomorrow): SpaceX continues to test its Falcon Heavy that will (hopefully) take us to Mars. The rocket will launch the U.S. Air Force’s Space Test Program-2 mission from Kennedy Space Center. That’s the link to watch it live. Ah, and you can also follow the ISS crew coming back to Earth after six months in space.
July 2: there will be a Solar eclipse, unfortunately only visible from South America. But there are a few websites that will broadcast the event.

July 9: always wanted to observe Saturn and its magnificent rings? Here’s your opportunity. In The Sky tells you how: “Saturn will be well placed for observation, in the constellation Sagittarius. It will be visible for much of the night, reaching its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time.” [Read the rest here].

July 14: India will launch its Chandrayaan-2 mission to the Moon, aiming for a landing near the South Pole. If successful, it would make India the 4th country to soft-land on the Moon, a feat achieved only by the space agencies of the US, USSR, and China. [Read more about the mission and the rovers it is going to deploy].
For a detailed calendar of space events for the next month or so, see this. Mark the dates and have fun!