If you’re in Edinburgh this weekend AND you’re a speculative fiction fan, there’s nothing better you can do than visit Cymera, the first SFF Convention of its kind in the City. For the convention programme and last-minute news, see the official website (where you can also book your tickets). Here you have a few photos from yesterday and today. Enjoy!

Looks good, but I have one question: how does one pronounce Cymera? With a hard C, as in Chimaera? Or soft, as if somehow related to SciFi?
The second, for what I’ve heard around. Not sure why, though 🙂
Perhaps a compound of ‘Sci-‘ something (even ‘Psy-‘ something?) and hybrid beast chimaera, then.
You must be right!
Ohhh! The building’s entrance is just *perfect* for a fantasy/horror mood! A well-chosen location for this kind of event, indeed… 🙂
It is, isn’t it? It belongs to the Uni of Edinburgh, and it’s a venue for many performing arts, etc. Lucky students 🙂
Lucky indeed… 🙂