I have already written in the past about markets for microfiction (intended here as all the prose between 0 and 300 words) and compiled a list of venues you can submit to. That list remains valid even today, and it should represent your first port of call for submissions. Today’s list is only meant to complement it and suggest some other possible places to submit. Caveat #1: a couple of them are anthologies, therefore it means they have a deadline. Check it out, to avoid disappointments. Caveat #2: the general rule for microfiction is that it doesn’t pay. You might occasionally have other rewards, but most of the times, it’s just the kudos. (I would, however, advise AGAINST paying a fee to submit, especially if it is genre fiction. I’m aware literary journals have different rules). Here’s the list:
- Blink-Ink (50 words) – one of my favourites, even though so far I’ve never managed to get anything accepted (one day…). Important: there is a theme every time, so check it first before submitting.
- Decomp (up to 1,000 words) -while they are a known market for flash fiction, they often publish micro fiction, and they’re excellent at that. However, they do NOT accept genre fiction, so keep it in mind.
- Dime Show Review (10 words) – on top of the normal flash fiction up to 1,000 words, there is a slot to submit two 10-word stories.
- Dreams & Nightmares (up to 500 words) -it is mainly a poetry venue, but occasionally publish genre microfiction. Bonus point: it pays.
- Trembling with Fear -Enter the Drabble (100 words) -this is the drabble section of the website The Horror Tree, and, how the name suggests, it is a venue for horror writers (yay!)
- Flashback Fiction (up to 500 words) -another specialised venue, this time for historical microfiction. They’re great.
- Flash Frontier: An Adventure in Short Fiction (variable word count) -another venue with specific themes and lengths, so check before submitting.
Finally, there are two anthology calls you may want to check:
- Blood Song Books – currently accepting drabbles for two
genre (horror) fiction anthologies.
- Black Hare Press – currently accepting drabbles for two genre fiction (SF and fantasy) anthologies. They like them dark.
Thanks for listing these, Steph, I shall certainly look some of them up.
Hope you’ll find them useful! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing these opportunities for those of us who write micro-fiction from time to time…
I look forward to reading something of you 🙂
Once I’ve stepped away from my main teaching job – I should have more time to write!