November is, as always, the Nano-month par excellence -even though there are now NaNo-camps during the year, November remains the month when writing is about. So, here I am, trying to fill my daily quota and hopefully meeting the 50k word mark by 30 November… Let’s see.
[In case you want to join this, have a look at Nanowrimo, the official website.All the information and the support you need is there, and I advise also to get in touch with your local writing community. Here in Edinburgh is NaNoBeans, and they’re simply great. But on the official site you’ll find all the details to locate the nearest to you, wherever you’re based on the Blue Planet.]
2019 is just next door, and for me it is going to be something. For many reasons, birthday celebrations for a start but also because three books of mine come out -one is my authored book for Macmillan about space, about which I’ve already talked about here. I am one of the two authors of the second one, about EU politics & security (publisher: Emerald) and I am the editor of the third, on sustainable economy (this one is with Routledge). They’re the reason why I have lagged so behind with my reviews this year -almost all my reading has been non-fiction, for research purposes. I’m due to hand them to the publishers by the end of the year, so 2019 will also be the year I’ll be back to my usual role of fiction reviewer.
Finally, a novelty: I’m going to incorporate here at the Earthian Hivemind a little ezine of microfiction (my long-time love) and short poetry (haiku mostly, but also other forms). It’s something I meant to do since a long time, but the conditions have never been favourable for a reason or another. But time is a commodity that’s not going to become any cheaper -just the opposite- so… here I go. I’ll issue guidelines for submission and terms (yes, I’m going to pay authors: after all, I’m a writer myself) next month at some moment.
So many things going on in 2019. Not by chance, either: isn’t it the year Gundam turns 40 years old? Expect fireworks, and events around the world!
Three books!!!! And you’re doing NaNoWriMo too?! Good grief. I wish I had your energy. Congratulations!
Thanks, but I doubt I’ll be able to finish this year… let’s see 🙂
Best of luck with your NaNoWriMo undertaking – I hope you reach your target, Steph. I am very impressed with your book projects that you have been working on throughout the year – next year will also be a bumper one publication-wise:)).
Thanks Sarah! I’ll be glad when everything’s done… fingers crossed! 😀
Best of luck, Steph:))
Best of luck with NaNo! I did it every year up until two years ago when finally something had to give, so I know what a time crunch and challenge it is. Sounds like you got all your goals planned out though!
Thanks! NaNo is really so time consuming that it doesn’t surprise me that it’s often impossible to do it. Interestingly, many people I know used it to write the bulk of their PhD thesis, or for other non-fiction endeavours. Always good to keep options open 🙂
Three. Books. WOW! Congratulations!!!!!!! 🙂
And have fun with NaNoWriMo 😉