I have already said in another post: Roman Empire: Reign of Blood, the Netflix original series that narrates the events of Emperor Commodus’s reign, was one of the best around when historical accuracy is about. Now, Netflix seems to have listened to my pleas to have more of that and produced S2: Master of Rome. Which, to be true, it is not a sequel, but a prequel. From the late Empire, we get back to the Republic, and to his (in)famous son: Julius Ceasar, and the way he managed to become the first man in Rome.
The show maintains the formula that made the first season so good -i.e., scholars intruding the stream of narrative and offering comments and highlights to the events. In this case, I have also appreciated the space given to the life of Ceasar before he became the conqueror we all know, and, more than anything, a glimpse at his main opponent, the Gaul Vercingetorix, a great military leader most of the shows portray instead like a dumb barbarian. As you’ll find out here, he was nothing of the sort, and nor were the Gauls, one of the very few tribes the Romans fear.
As I have warned for S1, Roman Empire is not advisable for a young audience, even though this one is less violent compared to ‘Empire of Blood’ -probably because the Republic itself was a different world from the Late Empire. But, as the first one, it’s still very worth to watch.
I didn’t find a trailer (yet) on Youtube, but you can watch it here on Netflix.