A lot of interesting things in the news this week. Even though some are not per se “new”, I found them quite captivating both in terms of implications and for the questions they raised. Answers will follow – in due time. Instead of making a traditional summary, this time I have preferred just mentioning them, provide a link and include my comments, so that you can go & pick the chosen ones.
[Several articles in these last months about the very existence of Dark Matter – now more doubtful than ever.]
[This Saturn’s moon might be the only place humans can settle. Read why.]
[Have we found evidence, after all? No, only the pre-conditions. But it’s an encouraging start.]
What are we going to do with incoming asteroids
[Asteroid science is particularly hot at the moment – from destroying to mining them, there’s something for anybody.]
The first photonic neural network is here
[Wow – what else to say?]
Great post, Steph. Thank you for sharing all these various interesting developments/roundups…