Second day of Manunicon, i.e., the edition 2016 of the UK annual SF convention traditionally held in the Easter Weekend (hence the name Eastercon). This year we are in Manchester, and it’s going really well.
As you can expect from a SF convention, there are discussion panels, dealers’ rooms, books events, one-to-one interviews with the GoHs (and in Mancunicon we have a few, see here for the complete list).
A novelty of this year is that, due to the fact Easter is before the deadline for the Hugo nominations (March 31), there won’t the traditional announcement of the Hugo Award nominees on Saturday night (always an exciting moment). There will be instead the BSFA -British Science Fiction Awards, based on Mancunicon participants’ votes and those of BSFA members.
I have no shame to admit I’ve voted for Ian McDonald’s Luna:New Moon, which I had the delight to hear the author discussing about in yesterday’s guest of honour interview.
Want to get a feeling of how things are in this posh Manchester Hilton Deansgate that hosts Mancunicon? A few shots can give you an idea:
And now – ready for a brand new day!
Glad you’re having such a fab time – thank you for the pics and impressions. Wish I was there!
I am sure you’d loved it… Next time!
Oh yes! Hopefully…
Just seen this post, rather belatedly. I wish I’d been able to make it.