Interesting things to look forward to in March 2016 near home (that to me is Edinburgh, UK) – exactly what’s needed to cheer you up in this generally work-intensive period.
One is happening today Saturday 12 March, and it is just next door, i.e. in Glasgow – the Rai Con, all about Anime – including a great cosplay party tonight (shame I can’t be there, I had some fancy costumes in mind). For more details and to join the fan, here its Facebook page for reference.
The second is the UK main event for SFF, the Eastercon, which this year is going to be in Manchester, 25-28 March, and it’s called (quite appropriately) Mancunicon.
The final programme with all panels has not been announced, but what it’s known so far looks great – with guests of honour like Ian McDonald (Luna) and Aliette de Bodard), among others.
For an update about the single events, this is the official link of Eastercon.
See you there!
I would have loved to get to Eastercon – but it’s just too far away this year :(. I take it you’re going?
Yes, for me it’s sort of next door… not as good as two years ago (Glasgow), but still good enough 🙂 Too bad you’re not coming though.