Way too many things in November for people like me that love speculative fiction… but two are the ones I’m going to join. The first one is the 50K-words-a-month writing challenges, also called NaNoWriMo, which I have already signed for and completed in 2014 (though I’m still figuring out what to do with that manuscript… but this is another story).
I’ve already explained in one my previous posts – see above- what you have to do in case you want to join in this allegedly insane but incredibly enjoyable challenge. Have a look at the official website – signing up and populating your dashboard will only take minutes.
Two things I do recommend to new NaNoWriters: first, check for NaNo writing groups in your area, and join them. It’s not compulsory, and you can complete your work even without (being on the move last year I was unable to do that, and I missed it a lot.) but it’s a huge help in terms of support. Result: being able this year to stay at home, I’ve already joined my NaNo local group, which, being Edinburgh, promises to be great! Tomorrow I’m heading for my first NaNo writing session. Can’t wait.
Second: get yourself a copy of Scrivener. Again, you can do without, but your life is going to get *so* much easier with it. I use it for all my professional, non-fiction writing since a couple of years by now, and there’s no way back.
The second event of the month I’m going to participate at some moment is the Sci-Fi Month 2015, a month-long blogging event hosted by RinnReads for the third year now. Posts have just started pouring in, and some of them are great (like the one on dinosaurs in SFF).
To do the same, just add the URL of your blog in their forms and follow using hashtag
Best of luck with the NaNoWriMo challenge! I look forward to hearing how you get on. I notice you are a fan of Scrivener – I did have a go with it, but found the struggle of getting on top of a new writing program while writing a novel a bit knee-buckling. However my issues with Word remain, so perhaps I’d better woman up and give it another go.
Thanks for that – you’re right about Scrivener, and I’m going to post something about it shortly.
Good luck with NaNo!
Thanks Tammy 🙂
Best of luck and fun with NaNo! I don’t plan to participate myself but I admire those who do. The SciFi Month blogs look really interesting — I’m a member of a sci fi & fantasy discussion group and will pass on that info to them for their enjoyment. Thanks! Cinda
Hello Cinda, thanks – re: the SciFiMonth, you can also advertise your own SF-related posts over there. 🙂
Good luck! I am participating this year too and taking a break from hammering out my daily word count as we speak. One of these days I’ll have to try out scrivener. I’m just always so intimidated by new software. Still working on good old Word right now.
Hello, hope you’re keeping up – my daily word count is still abysmal, need to give it a boost…! 😀
Best of luck with Nanowrimo I like to write at my own pace and I’m very busy work wise until 23 January so no Nano for me.
Hello Marje, that’s a wise choice – NaNo is really intense, and takes up a huge amount of time…!