Galaxies are one of the most incredible objects in the universe, and they are in continuous evolution. Thanks to the Virgo Consortium for Cosmological Supercomputer Simulations, we have now access to the most advanced computer simulation (to date) of the universe, that contains tens of thousands of galaxies. One of the most important novelties of EAGLE (i.e., Evolution and Assembly of Galaxies and their Environments, this is what it’s called) is its accuracy. “Go to our previous generation of simulations, and the galaxies all look like big spherical blobs. Now they form disks and bars and irregular galaxies and different types of ellipticals” said Rob Craine from Liverpool John Moores University, one of the principal researchers in the project.
The reason for this enhanced precision is a better rendition of galactic winds, streams of charged particles that “blow” out of galaxies, and of the activities of AGNs (active galactic nuclei) where supermassive black holes are located.
The video can be seen at this link – enjoy the show.
Thanks for the link — interesting simulation (though, as a musician, I had to turn down the sound before I gave up the will to live).
Thanks, and yes, I understand what you mean…can’t blame you! 😀