In addition to astrophysics and space exploration, I do also write articles about another of my favourite subjects, science in science-fiction, on this blog and elsewhere.
The ones listed below have appeared in summer 2014 on Amazing Stories.
Arrakis and Single Biome Planets – September 2, 2014
If Space Doesn’t Work This Way, Try With the Death Star – August 20, 2014
Star Wars and Space Problems – August 11, 2014
Rogue Stars in Science and Fiction – August 4, 2014
Weird Things About the Moon(s) – July 28, 2014
Those Black Pits on the Moon – July 21, 2014
Tatooine in Real Space – July 7, 2014
For people who don’t know about it, this magazine was the first one uniquely devoted to SF, back in 1926. It was launched by Hugo Gernsback (the one who gave his name to the Hugo Awards, just to be clear) and, after a long publication history (and changing many times editors), it now a blog/ezine for SF lovers, directed by Steve Davidson. Worth having a look.