As Steve Davison has written on Amazing Stories a while ago, Guardians of the Galaxy might well be this generation’s Star Wars, and it has some claims for this award, success included.
However there are also some important differences. For instance, Star Wars takes itself seriously, while the Guardians are funny and amusing. They’re not Jedi warriors for sure, and Star Lord – Quill looks more like Han Solo than Luke Skywalker. Gamora is more badass than Leia, Force or not. Moreover, the best character (IMHO) of the Guardians is Rocket Raccoon, and he has no equivalent in Star Wars – certainly not Master Yoda. And, while Star Wars’ story is richer and the worldbuilding better developed, graphics in the Guardians is astonishing, and this makes sense if you remember it’s Marvel, and comes out of comics in the first place. Here a few concept arts for your delight (for the full set, see this one on Kotaku).
The plot is an easy one – obviously, saving the Universe, and I won’t give any spoilers here, even though you can expect a few adventures and a lot of fights, given the protagonists. But you will enjoy, that’s for sure. This movie is a must-see, probably the best of the year in SFF waiting for Interstellar – out in the UK in November – and I can’t recommend it enough. As Rocket says, “Ain’t no thing like me, except me!” Go and see that raccoon!
Finally, this is the trailer of the movie premiering this week in Japan, and, in the words of the Guardians‘ director James Gunn, definitively worth a view:
Hilarious Japanese trailers for #GuardiansoftheGalaxy. I love these. Opens there this week. https://t.co/fZvH6jTgSC
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) September 8, 2014