Space Features of the Week (25 December)

Here my periodic summary of some of the space news worth discussing this week. As usual, I have provided a link and included my comments, so that you can go & pick the ones that interest you the most.

Scientists are planning a mission to Saturn to search for alien life

Cassini isn’t over yet (2017 is the Grand Finale) and we have already started planning for what’s next. This time, we look for (exo)biology.

Mystery of ‘Alien Megastructure’ Star Testing Astronomers’ Creativity

Definitively the Riddle of the Year, the hypothesis of the Dyson Sphere around dimming stars keeps the astronomers wondering.

Most images of black holes are illustrations.

More an explanation than a news per se, this is an article about something often misunderstood – the representation of black holes. Here’s what our telescopes actually capture.

DSO-Browser, a new (and free) space tool.

Web-based DSO Browser, create by a programmer in Argentina, is a great tool to locate and capture images of space object in your location. It’s flexible enough to allow you to play with it, and promises some great shots.

(By the way, I have the Pleiades in my sky tonight. Thank you, universe, this is a great Xmas gift!)


  1. ccyager

    Really love the black hole article!

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Great, isn’t it? More to come, Cinda 🙂

  2. sjhigbee

    Yet more space-themed goodness:). Many thanks for another fabulous post and hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you a very happy New Year:)

    1. Steph P. Bianchini (Post author)

      Hi, thanks – and have a great start of the year too! Looking forward to 2017 on your blog 🙂

      1. sjhigbee

        Thank you, Steph:).


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